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Coin # 056

This Coin Birthed by Sumati Ganeshan of Berkeley, California - February 2008 -

 Hi! I feel so blessed to be a part of this project
and to birth coin number 056. I placed the coin on my altar after the opening ceremony of the launch of the furst 108 coins. It sat there as I gathered thoughts and ideas....what could I do that would be worthy of this coin?

The questioning period was interesting and paralleled my life. I have always had an artistic and feeling bent, and felt guilty about it. Only recently have I stopped doing so much in order to feel more and to be more of my inner artist.

Well the coin spoke to me! It said "Use me for Art!"

I decided to present the coin to my brother, Gautam, who
runs an Indian Classical Music Perfomance Center in the Mission District of SF.

What I am intending is a mural for some of the bare walls of the space. Of course, the day I thought the idea, my friend Maya mentioned she and a friend were restarting their mural company!

So I am hiring www.muralmotifs.com to make a mural for the Sangati Center www.sangaticenter.org, and I am accepting donations and raising funds for this project!

It is so exciting. On March 15, at the intermission of a concert at Sangati, I passed the coin on to my
brother with the audience as witness.

We have had one meeting for mural design ideas. Now I am in process of fundraising. And my brother has the coin to pass on.

It is so exciting!
April 4, 2008 at 08:32AM | Unregistered CommenterSumati Shakthi Ganeshan


Reader Comments (2)


Now, after putting the word out, we have found some generous donors for the mural project.I put in some of my money too. So we have the funds for the mural. All four of us met yesterday (muralists, my brother Gautam...Sangati curator, and myself.) Nicole and Maya have come up with lovely sketches. There will be a yantra on the door, a sign painted over the door, and a tree painted with monkeys on the branches playing classical Indian intstruments! The sketches were fun to see. Capuchin monkeys. One is playing the Veena. We are sending thank you letters to our donors too. The muralists are shopping for paint. Painting begins soon!
May 17, 2008 at 08:08AM | Unregistered CommenterSumati Shakthi Ganeshan
On December 7th, the mural was not only completed...but we had a celebration and took photos! The tree is so much better than anything I had imagined...the detail, the crispness of the branches of the tree and the lighting. The monkey is playing the veena. On the door of Sangati...there is a large Yantra. We attracted donors to support us, and so much has come together to make this possible! Now we can celebrate. So, December 7th, the coin is officially passed on to Gautam Tejas. Let's see where the chain of love leads. Nicole may include pics if that is possible here. I look forward to reading Nicole and Gautam's experiences!

December 9, 2008 at 03:59PM | Unregistered CommenterSumati Shakthi Ganeshan

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