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Coin # 035

This Coin Birthed by David Lurey, from San Francisco, CA - February 2008 - 
Hello Generous people. I have coin #35 after attending the Giving Coin Gathering on Saturday night. I have set the intentions and will post them soon as time allows...but the coin and I are leaving for Brazil tomorrow morning! I am very honored to carry this coin with me and will be gifting it forward with a yoga class at a school in the favelas of Sao Paulo.

I just turned 35 on January 31 which is part of the reason I birthed coin 35. The number also resolves on 8 (3+5) which is the number if infinity...and I see this coin beginning a never ending cycle of generosity and connection with schools and yoga.

More coming soon after we arrive in Florianopolis.
February 4, 2008 at 05:22PM | Unregistered CommenterDavid Lurey (david@findbalance.net)

Reader Comments (2)

I received coin 035 back in January and have spent almost 6 months waiting for the right place / person to share it. As a traveling Yogi, I am in many situations where I can pay my services and love forward, and I do, but I wanted to be sure the coin would be passed forward to someone who would carry on the intention and vibration of this very special coin.
I took the coin to Brazil where I had intended to pay it to a school in the Favelas of Sao Paulo where I taught free classes to the children in the urban slums...but when I got there, I taught the classes and was full of love, but honestly did not feel that the coin would carry on. The same was true in Rio where the class I taught in City of God Favela was incredibly moving, but didn't' feel like the right place to leave it. So I held on....More travels and classes in Brazil, a few days in San Francisco, high vibrations on Maui and then to Europe.
Then last weekend (June 14th, 2008) I was teaching at the first Living Yoga event in Utrecht, Holland (http://living-yoga.nl/) organized by my friend and social pioneer Geertje Couwenbergh. Geertje is the founder of Potential Buddha which is much more then an organic clothing line...it is an up and coming Social networking hub for conscious Europeans. The focus of the event was 'living your yoga' beyond an Asana practice and I was invited to teach the Asana classes while there there also meditations and cooking classes and a trance dance! Proceeds from the event went to women for women and the entire day was about waking up and being a positive force in the world.
During the opening Ceremony, I was invited up to the stage and presented Geertje with the coin and told the crowd of about 60 - 70 people about the coin and the philosophy of Paying it Forward.
After 'paying for my classes', I taught 2 very juicy classes to the group and rocked the house!
And I know for sure that Geertje will carry on the legacy of the coin. As I passed it to her, I had a vision of the coin being paid forward to host yoga community events around Europe and fostering social activism....and maybe coming back to us for the 10th annual Living Yoga Event!
Yeah Coin Number 35! Go out to the World and Keep Shining!!! (and I will miss you!)
June 17, 2008 at 12:40AM | Unregistered CommenterDavid Lurey
Thank you David, for paying me and Potential Buddha coin number 35 forward!

It has taken a central place on my desk, to remind me of the beautiful gesture behind this coin. I will treat it with honor and respect and will FOR SURE pay it forward, when the time is ready.

Me and Madelon, my partner in Potential Buddha will take the coin with us to hopefully more inspirational events that we hope to create with Potential Buddha in the next few years. Our goal is to put as much authenticity, wakefulness and fun into the world as we can through our events and community. With David on our side and on the coin's energy, we have found a match to last as far as we're concerned! ;D

Madelon and I, as David mentioned already, feel a strong connection to what the organization Women for Women does (www.womenforwomen.org). The real potential Buddha in all of us knows that we cannot have lasting happiness unless everyone is free of suffering. In that sense, there is lots of work to be done and we will keep focusing on our responsibility to do so.

I have feeling that Women for Women will play a part in coin number 35's future... time will tell.

In the meantime, we will cherish coin number 35, keep it shiny like our desire to make awareness fashionable!

July 2, 2008 at 06:34AM | Unregistered CommenterGeertje

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