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Coin # 071


This Coin Birthed by Seren Rubens of Santa Cruz, California - February 2008

This coin is dedicated to the dance. We are all dancers through this life, dancing in and out of joy and sorrow, in and out of each others lives, in and out of touch with our own divine nature. May we remember that it is all divine, it is all beautiful, it is all a perfect step in the intricate and mysterious dance of life.
March 25, 2008 at 08:16PM | Unregistered CommenterSeren (




Coin # 072


This Coin Birthed by Clint Willett of San Rafael, California - February 2008 -

in the presence and depth of breath and love,
may we all live beyond our edges in transformational service.

in one eco-system of this universe, sharing and receiving our deepest purpose on this planet, radically living and breathing
beyond our comfort zones. radiantly shining, communicating, creating art and magic.

i share this coin with my brother Brent, who continues to serve as an inspiration to me in dimensions beyond words ...

wise alchemizing holy cacao creating wild wizard,
countless kudos of gratitude for all you give and all you teach

... and to all those who I and we all learn from
and are schooled in the mysterious dance of light and play.
May 2, 2008 at 09:33AM | Unregistered Commenterclint (



Coin # 073

This Coin Birthed by Sandy of New York, New York - February 2008 -



Coin # 074

This Coin Birthed by Greg Miller of Berkeley, California - February 2008 -



Coin # 075

This Coin Birthed by Lachlan Scotland of San Francisco, California - February 2008 -


May the intension of manifesting greater abundance with flow and ease go with this coin. May all whose hands it travels thorough be blessed by the realization of the well being that prevails the universe.


 Lachlan (


Coin # 076

This Coin Birthed by Jon Wolf of Puna, Hawaii - February 2008 -

i received this coin with an open heart from tyler back in january of '08. i also received at this same time a divine love from the universe. i potentized this coin with the healing magic of love from the big island, and gave it, along with my heart, to my cosmic divine lover upon her departure from the big island to lands afar. may it share in her joy, her love, her service to the earth and the divine beings on it. may she pass it's potentized love to others in a most majestic and magical way. may it spread across the globe, unlocking joy in the hearts of all.

much love much light much aloha
June 4, 2008 at 09:57PM | Unregistered Commenterjonathan wolf (

Coin # 077


This Coin Birthed by Jason Nemer of Berkeley, California - February 2008

Seven is my lucky number. May this coin bring luck to the holder. It saved my life.
June 2, 2008 at 06:04AM | Unregistered CommenterJason Nemer




Coin # 078

This Coin is Floating in the Universe, and waiting to be Birthed...

Please find a Friend or Stranger to do a good deed for,

and then give them this Coin, asking them to "Pass it On..."




Coin # 079

This Coin Birthed by Paul and Laura Geduldig, of Oakland, California - February 2008 -



Coin # 080

This Coin Birthed by Rana Lee Araneta of San Francisco, California - February 2008 -

I have finally passed this coin on and feel sooo fabulous about it!!
Throught trust and flow, my boyfriend and I befriended a wonderful man named Robert Weber at Cafe Attitude in Maui last August. He passed us a flyer to the Bali Spirit Festival
Intersted in sharing at this event, we started an email relationship with Rob, and discovered what a beauiful person he was, and cultivated an online friendship. The time came when he said he would be coming to California from Bali and it was a no brainer to invite him to stay with us for as long as he wanted. Seeing him once again, I felt comfort and ease and mutual love, support and respect from this high brother. The world is happy he is here dong the great work with the community in Bali and international artists and musicians. I offered the coin as a representation of the grounded home we were able to provide for him on this trip--and I look forward to seeing him in Bali in a few weeks!

March 24, 2009 at 04:00PM | Unregistered Commenterrana lee araneta (